Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Library once again becomes my favourite station. It's been almost half year for me since I finished my work hour requirement. Praise the Lord for that! And now since I have to finish my final paper quite soon, I think it is better for me to stay calm and studious there in the glass cubicles of Johannes Oentoro library. It is really nice place to stay cool inside since recently the sun shone so brightly and warmly, that it makes us feel better staying indoor. One of my friends Dwi told me a very encouraging phrase as we talked about the paper: togetherness! Helping each other in someway can really help during this critical time. I do agree with him. Cayo, brata! (???*$%#)

So, it's a little bit commitment for me to listen when others speak that I may offer even small help which will make others be stronger and encouraged. And I am still thinking of listening as the greatest gift we may offer to our beloved ones! I can feel the difference in the room now. And it's love which springing ^^^ and the red thread was, because I imposed my perception on others hm... may be out of my insecurity and vulnarability. So now with God's help I decided to let others free... I am trying to appeciate their choices of thoughts and actions to me, let them act out of genuity, not because of wanting make me safe and happy! So, it's kind of being dettached, expecting nothing.... but to love them as they are (hmm.... it's only possible by God's grace! ).

I had the Indonesian literature course with Mr. Abednego! Yeah! Go, go go! We are leaning Jurnalisme sastrawi so I must be ready to make some narative reportage. How interesting, being an artistic (:P) news reporter! Today is really good day!

Thanks, Lord!