Sunday, February 13, 2011

as it is

I feel and realize that I am dreaming at times. And that made me feel a schorching light as I am awake (what am I saying? #&*@*@ :P). I had a really good time this morning as I sat in the library interviewed by one of my friends for her litenary journalism project, I was really happy for her patience and that she is a very good listener, may God grant her success for her assignment! I really miss to read the work of Lao zi about non actions and acceptance of life as it is. I think it would give me some inspirations to be awake a little bit from my dreams (well, actually I don't have dream... I just can't find the right word :P). Or, at least I need to learn to be patient!

I don't know what to write now... but it's definely a day and I want to give the Lord thank for all things He allows to happen... I am really waiting for the Typika prayers together tomorrow. Well, and at least for this year, I really expect to be able to attend to at least one Divine Liturgy... I think I will need to wake up earlier tomorrow to iron my clothes before I am going to this special occasion! And ofcourse, for Sunday Chapel too..

Thank you, Lord!


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Yes, Son, I also keep Dao De Jing with me, next to my Tehillim, Greek NT, and Jerusalem Bible.

Here are some words for you, beloved Son...

道德經, Book 1, XXII:

Bowed down, then preserved;
bent, then straight;
hollow, then full;
worn, then new;
a little, then benefited;
a lot, then perplexed.

Therefore the sage embraces the One
and is a model for the Empire.
He does not show himself,
and so is conspicuous;
he does not consider himself right,
and so is illustrious;
he does not brag,
and so has merit;
he does not boast,
and so endures.

It is because he does not contend
that no one in the Empire
is in a position to contend with him.

The way the Ancients had it,
‘Bowed down, then preserved’,
is no empty saying.
Truly it enables one
to be preserved to the end.