Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kiong Hie

Happy Chinese New Year to everybody, and especially for Fr. Daniel and Dwi: Kiong Hie, Kiong Hie! Hmm, actually today is really good. I am still striving to do my best for chapter four.. hmm, I have a tendency to get distracted quite easily recently. What I mean is, the feeling of wanting to stay away from my laptop or final paper after 15 minutes.. (:D:D). So, here is the deal: I make up music play list (a little bit long, up to 2 hours) and I make a commitment to myslef not to depart from the final paper before the playlist ends! And it helps! Praise God! Oh, it's real struggle for me right now, and the major reason for this is because I do not really 'in mood' to write the paper, since it's somewhat lengthy and I dunno much to write on it for the moment! But I trust God who keeps strengthen me and provides all things for His glory! May be (and I hope) one day when I read this post again, I will smile and praising for the deliverance from God!

I have been reading and learning in my spare time countries like Armenia, Vietnam and Syria! Very exciting to read those countries and especially for Syria, it is interesting that half of the population is less than 30 years old: what a young country! I am also heading on Chapter 6 of the Living God, been a fascinating reading. I missed breakfast today because I woke up late (^$@&##!!!), I think I need to wake up earlier tomorrow.... Eggs, eggs! Nice to eat the boiled eggs with my friends! :D

Thanks, Lord! ;)


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Your post reminds me of my own college days! Both fun and terror sometimes, the terror of boredom!