Thursday, March 10, 2011

With learning eyes

The artist' eyes have its sharpness and can captivate beauty because they desire to learn. He sleeps and awakes while listening to anything open to him, and keeps watchfull. Even though when he is not being very awake, at least he has such a heart that when that rare inspiration comes, he is ready to grasp it.

Everything is provided for us to learn, to repent and to come back to our senses and to flee to God. The Lord is ever good and faithful. His mercy is beyond what human mind could imagine. No person knows us so intimately, so deeply and so available as the Lord our Creator himself. And this is a previlege for us to return to Him and confess our sins and to live in communion with Him. God's love is the sweetness of our minds, body and soul. What could be our highest and sweeetest theme of our hymns and praises but the Lord himself?

Thus, accepting with open heart whatever comes to us and trusting God who works good for those who love Him is act of grateful soul. Heartful obedience and love is to love Him will our whole being: heart, mind, body, strength, and embracing others in that trust to the Lord. May everything that we do is because we want to please God! Glory to God!


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

"God's love is the sweetness of our minds, body and soul."

Thanks for sharing that love with us, and for these meditations.