Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stand firm

Keep advancing in the world of much unknown, with a brave steps passing through the valley and the stars. Even though there are much uncertainties out there in the world of who knows. But at least there are still someone we can ask and share to. Stand firm and immovable in the ground given you where all the things seem to have their own ways and ideas. But once you hear The Sound which is the genuine sound which bring you home. Follow this until the end.

There are too many things to be grateful for. Yes, sometimes it is apparent and visible, thus I am thankful for that. But I also realize that there are much more which are invisible but so much real. I hope my mind is always awake and be ready to leap in joy and in moderation to remember it and to praise God whole-heartedly. Only give yourself up for those who need you desperately. Sometimes they need it just a little part of you. Be it your feet, be it your smile, be it your time, be it your hands, or be it your ears. Just keep watch and be available, because they can come anytime on your way. Don't forget to bring the oil and the lamp with you so that you will be able to see clearly and not be stumbled.

Step forward in an eager heart. When you slip and fall, look up and say, "Lord, have mercy!" so that He might lift you up and refresh your soul. This is a fierce and constant battle. See those comrades, bountiful comrades with you who keeps you stand, then stand firm and look forward to the joyous merry. Only look compassionately, meekly and gently, be harmless like a dove before your enemies.


Pandelis said...

Yudhie, my friend, it has been a while since I have contacted you. I don't have your email, so could you please email me at

I hope your Lent has been blessed and holy and I hope to hear from you soon.

Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Excellent testimony of the wisdom that Christ imparts to the yearning disciple's heart.

yudikris said...


I have sent you en e-mail through this address. Please let me know if you have received it... Thanks very much for your kindness! :)

Orthodox Christian Resources said...

No I haven't received it...try