Friday, March 11, 2011


I said to one of my friends when I walked crossing the park last night, "I think I need to learn to be humble, especially in the willingness in asking questions to the things that I don't really know." And he said, "Yes, you are right." Thus, I have made up my mind to be honest to myslef, to others and to God regarding lots of things that I do not really understand. My culture has taught me enough to be polite and pretend to quickly understand inorder to not hurting someone. Thus, personally when I reflect on my own communication style, most of my messages are in answering tone, description of facts. It is a kind of being pressed by myself to be knowledgeable and ready to answer.

Thus I am impressed with one of my friends who is really good and humble questioner. He is learning about the Orthodox faith and use to asking sincere and honest questions with respect and dignity. May the Lord bless him abundantly!

I realize now that to ask question and to say, "you are right" to others requires humility. It has to do with putting ourselves as the one who needs help and others as our guide. Even in small sense, it trains us to realize that we need others' helps and to love them.