Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Song of joy

The Lord is good! Who is like our God? Full of compassion and majesty. It's awesome when my heart come into this reflection. He created us and gives us capacity to respond to His Love and to be capable of Him by his grace. I am especially fascinated to watch a very brilliant Jewish movie entitled "Ushpizin" (Aramaic means Succoth guests) which my Dad shared me. The story is so dynamics with emotions and thrilling moments. Moshe faced the tests for his faith: financial problems and difficulty to bear child. The story was set during Jewish feast of Succoth. Moshe and his wife Mali prayed and waited earnestly God's help for them to be able to celebrate Succoth for the Lord. And The Lord answered them miraculously, sending them helps more than they asked for. And there they were able to celebrate a very good celebration of Succoth, even God also sent them the guests.

The guests were two convicts who just went out of prison whom one of them happened to be Moshe's old friend when he lived his old life style. It was such a big test for Moshe to host these two guests. Their attitude and behavior were really a potential down for her soft-hearted wife. And as it can be expected, Mali (his wife) couldn't hold it anymore and wanted to leave Moshe. Moshe was so much crushed. He missed his wife and tried his very best to make Mali come home, which was very likely impossible. His friends started to changed their minds and asked for his forgiveness. Moshe pardoned them! But, one more test was faced by him.. "The Diamond" that is the citron for him to have a beautiful son was eaten by His friends; made into salad! Moshe couldn't hold it anymore and burst out in anger. He then wept bitterly in the wilderness and begging for God's mercy to strengthen them.

The clouds were finally unveiled from his mind. His wife returned home telling him that she was pregnant; a golden boy! What a joy! Lord is good!

I realize that I couldn't express the review of this movie very well... but one thing I keep in my mind: trust in the Goodness of the Lord! Glory to you, O God! Glory to You!

יְהִי שֵׁם יְהוָה מְבֹרָךְ-- מֵעַתָּה, וְעַד-עוֹלָם
Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore! - Psalm 113:2


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

I'm so glad you were able to watch Ushpizin and that you enjoyed it. The love of God, as you can see, works miracles; and that love is tested and proven worthy through suffering for others, through humiliation, and through sadness which turns to joy.

Ameyn, Yudhie, ameyn…

Y’hi shem ’Adonay m’vorákh—me‘attáh v‘ad-‘olám!