Saturday, March 5, 2011

a little thought

My mind changes so quickly at times, may be depends on the moods. When I reflect on how I perceive things, I come to realize that it is a very tricky process. I need to have my mind under guard all the time. My tendency is to be somewhat to focus and fail to see some matter from the broader perspective or as my lecturer used to say, from 'the big picture'.

I do love thinking in the big picture too though. But may be under certain circumstances and occassion, I tend to think somewhat narrow and there I find myself in the sweet melancholicity. In this special time is when I usually find I am most humane with its tenderness and fragility. However, as it comes as the cycle of emotion and psychological stuffs in me, I better to anticipate. It is just like my Indonesian fellows who love to say, "Sedia payung sebelum hujan (that is, prepare the umbrella before it rains)."

Feeling low is good. But it is a tricky path to deal with it and what to do with it. Make peace with ourselves I think is the first thing to do. That is to consciously recognize the feeling without reacting, repressing or denying it. In short, face reality. I have often heard that hard times is a perfect time to sharpen us. Yet, when I jump down and flow with it, I can't exactly tell that what I am facing now is a hard time. It's just an ordinary time which asks me a slightly more readiness. Everything in God's hands is blessing. He is a good God.

I now realize that detention time to reflect and be silent is so important. It is due to my nature and limitation. In silence and prayer, we wait for the Lord to comfort and to fill us with the pure consolation which strengthen us with strength unknown. Walk slowly, breath deliberately and always have God in our mind and heart! Glory to You, O God! Glory to You!