Sunday, May 1, 2011

need or no need

Need is a very subjective term. Since most of the time it depends on who and how. Therefore when it comes to me to be asked of what I really need, I don't really know or understand. Sometimes, what I thought as needs are the worries, passions or desires. So, coming deeper, what do I really need? Survival needs? Anyway.

This reflection brings me to the thought of moderation and keeping the least and the most necessary things in life only, by not burdening life with too much care. Be it called as survival stuffs, only the things which sustain our physical life. It is hard and some might say that it is blur to define need as really need when it is mixed up with all those things as desire, passion, lust and even greed. One thing is needful for us, the kingdom of God. And I keep it in mind.


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Nice, simple, and true. Yes, what do I really need? No one, and nothing, but You.