Saturday, May 28, 2011


When I think of smallest act of grateful heart, that would be a smile
smile of acceptance and willingness
to greet every morning, every season
every leave in the forest and every bird in the branch
with a silent and serene heart
every moment is great
this very minute and second is wonderful
be it time of chronic loneliness
be it time of chaotic togetherness
I just want to smile, even only half smile
because the goodness of God is so trustworthy
He cares and gives me what He deems me best
my heart stays still

Thus I can stay calm and choose to sing
His greatness and mighty acts
either in laughter or in tears
because He is good! His mercy endures forever
yes, there are much sorrows in the world
there are much sorrows in me
suffering is the crown of my life
but He is Greater far than my mere pains
I am too small to grasp His abundant mercy

So I just want to wait and see
silencing my heart
and close my mouth with my hands, uttering no word
calm O my soul, trust Your Lover
it is to Him You will return
Glorify Him no matter what!

Glory to You, O God! Glory to You!


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Beautiful, so beautiful.

Elissa Bjeletich said...

Beautiful. Thank you, Yudhie!