Monday, April 11, 2011

stay in the center

To be calm and peaceful. I am often dreaming myself to be that one sometimes. I am very amazed of the hesychasts who are granted the inner peace. Well, in this life I do not know so many things, including lots of how to's but I don't think I should or need to know all. My favourite figures? I love the harmless, meek but very wise like Yuddhistira, Zughe Liang, Tong Sam Chong, Lao Zi and many others. I just feel that I really like them! This piece from Lao zi is very fragrant for my soul, I really love it:

True perfection seems imperfect,
yet it is perfectly itself.
True fullness seems empty,
yet it is fully present.

True straightness seems crooked.
True wisdom seems foolish.
True art seems artless.

The Master allows things to happen.
She shapes events as they come.
She steps out of the way
and lets the Tao speak for itself.

(Tao Te Ching, v. 45)

I don't think that Lao zi would like the idea of 'studying the text', even upon his beautiful poetry. So, I will let it just as it is; to be read in its beauty and marvel and simplicity. Whenever I read this text, I feel like I am in the cool sides of mountainous plateau of the Northern land above Indochina with its serenity and mystical nature. I learn that it is in the state of openness and sincere acceptance of circumstances and in trusting in the goodness of the Lord, we would lay aside the worldly cares to accept Him who is Everything.

To be sober and mindful. It sounds so cool. Yet, I also realize that I would be tempted until my last breath. But I want to cling to the Strong Rock, my Fortress, and my soul will be refreshed. So, I will stay in the centre, near to the heart of the Lover of Mankind who is forever faithful, to walk in the path He has taken with serenity and peace in my heart. Lord, have mercy!


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Beautiful words from Laozi, and your words, they are also very close to my heart.

When you read Dai De Jing and then look at what people have made of it, aren't you surprised? As you noted, it is better not to 'study' the text, but just to read it 'as it is' and let it permeate the soul.

This attitude is the same as we should have for the holy and divine gospel and other scriptures. When 'study' means 'add to' it is best to abstain, and let ourselves be 'nothing' so that He can be 'all'.

Isn't it wonderful how Laozi was a follower of Christ even before He was born?