Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Three little creatures (my new pet)

Yesterday I went to my campus event EXIT (Extending Indonesian Tourism), and I am interested to see the Nihon part of it... that is to catch a fish with a paper. Certainly not an easy task, especially when the fish are not quite much in a spacious pool, but it was really fun. My friend Dewi, Darwin and I took some time to catch those beautiful tiny creatures. Shortly, Dewi and I got three fish to bring home. I then put it into mini aquarium in my room. I am really excited to watch and play with them. One of really good strategies to exercise patience and care toward other makhluk. I hope they will stay alive and get bigger.

Everytime I see them moving really lively, I am amazed at the goodness and beauty that the Lord bestows on His lovely creation. These there fish which I named Cho'Em, Phi'Em and Lie'Em also help me to be awake when I do my stuffs with my laptop. Glory to You, O Lord! Glory to You!


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

God touches us even, and especially, through His beloved creatures. Thanks for posting, Son. As for the third little creature, well, he is back where he came from… the hands of our loving God.