Monday, April 25, 2011

no expectation

Here I come back to the sort of escapism which I really love, that is to cut off my wish and expectations in life. When I feel that there are too lofty and many wishes and expectations in life, there it begins the distractions and counter-productive tendencies such as sadness, etc. Therefore, I just want throw off those useless silly things which entrapped me. It is not for the sake of 'feeling good about me', but in order to stay balance and in harmony, that is to stay still and peace.

When I ponder on this, I find that it is very beautiful, it is a state of liberation from the compulsiveness of desire. When I join in competition, I don't have to win. When I run, I don't have to be fast. When I eat, I don't have to be full. When I look around, they don't have to be beautiful. When I speak and sing, they don't have to listen. When I come, they don't have to welcome. It's free, flowing like a river cross down a mountain, like a fragrant flower which doesn't make up its sweetness. Like the birds which sing and chant in the morning. All as it is, without have to.

It comes so freely and only in freedom, so it becomes pure and good. But you don't have to be free either. Just accept and go with the flow of mercy. Willingly to bear pain yet wound-less. With smile and perception because the world don't have to be harmless.


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

This, the Greek fathers call 'apatheía'.

Reading your words reminded me of something hidden in Walt Whitman's poem 'Starting from Paumanok.'