Friday, June 24, 2011

a piece of happiness in others

Today I have a very long, unique and tiresome journey to Jakarta (I live in Tangerang, a satellite city of this town). When my Friend Ricki and Theresia his girlfriend and I came to attend some kind of national backpackers gathering, we expected to see bazaar, concert, or at least a talk show. Yet, when we arrived fifteen minutes earlier, we found our self in shock because nothing seemed to be appearing. Yes, there were some empty stands but the committeemen of this meeting was only one or two ready at place. Hm, well. Let's wait for another hour. Then we came back to the arena and there it was, a little progress a bit more people came over and started to set up the boot. It's really interesting and fun to notice. Although a part of us whispered 'O, come on, it should be more than this'..., but most of my part saw a cool and amusing experience this going to be. Indeed it is! There would be always fun side of any circumstances, even the disappointing one (oops, hehe) like this event. All three of us shared a common good taste of humour and that's it! 'People is our mission...' and there are three people in good company! All the way of seeing the event going until quite evening (8 pm) until we arrived at home, we cherish the warm and good conversation about mundane things. I personally am sorry for this event which letting them (Ricki and Terre) down, but I am also thankful for the good companion that they share! This worth it!

What I learn today is that it is so beautiful and good to see the piece of happiness in others. Besides, we can always choose and decide our response to any circumstances that we are in! Glory to God!


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Yes, Son, everything you said was true, and, by the way, this has also happened to me, especially with church things. I am told 'it will be great!' and then I invite others and take them along, and there is almost nothing there! It used to embarrass me, but like you, we made it a day for ourselves, because we have companionship with each other, which is more important than 'events' anyway.

A very good post!

yudikris said...

Thanks, Dad... also for sharing your experience as well. :)