Sunday, July 17, 2011

transforming attitude

Life is very dynamic and I think it is wise to see that many times circumstances consists of challenges and opportunities. During the day both of them will actually appear, with one is more apparent at times. Yet, it is all provided by Our Supreme God out of his love and compassion to transform us and to make us in his own likeness. At times, I come to realize that one aspect of humility is moderation, for me personally this is true especially with something to do with emotions. One line which I really love from Jewish proverb which goes like, "This too, will pass." It is both sobering and comforting to remember this small phrase. Always be mindful and wise in responding any stimuli on our way. Anything over hurts and haste makes waste.

So, now back into emotions issue. I feel that it is somewhat powerful, because it just happens that way. We feel it and there we are swept by it: either joy, sadness, anger, anxiety, fear or anything. Yet, I find that even holy people and the saints sometimes have to face such strong emotions which let us know that they are humans like us! But what makes difference is that, they make friends with this language of the soul. The psalmists and many saints make use their feelings and genuine expression before the Lord and thus their very breath, anguish, song of joy and their very actions be a doxology to God. What I am trying to say here is that we can embrace our emotions and feelings, make friends with them to come the Lord in the journey of our salvation.

Thus, may those feelings not be distractions but on the contrary, be our intimate and personal alarm for us to seek the Lord and constantly be attentive to Him. And then, in everything, give thanks to the Lord!


Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Very good, thoughtful analysis, Son, of the topic of emotions. Thank you for writing about it for us.